Decluttering is good for the soul, it makes you feel a little lighter and more organized. I’m sure we are all guilty of it in some way, hiding clutter out of sight - out of sight, out of mind. There’s an easy answer to this – take it with you. But, moving is the perfect opportunity to let go of it. New house, new start.
Tip 1 - get in the removal men.
Why do it yourself when you can pay somebody to do it for you? It’s another expense, but you’ve just got to weigh up what your time is worth. Do you really need the hassle of moving all your worldly possessions by yourself?
Removal companies take all this hard work away on a very busy day; they have invaluable experience and can really give good pointers about the best way of packing and moving. It will save you heaps of time, so you can think about other tasks you must do.
Whilst it may be fine you moving all the smaller items and boxes, what about big pieces of furniture? You will need a big enough vehicle to do this and even with this, how many trips will you have to do? Removal companies have an array of vehicles built for the job, so can pack more in, meaning less toing-and-froing and less time spent on the job.
Tip 2 – think ahead
Make a list of all the moving tasks that need completing, note the time you think this will take and assign each task an owner. Distribute the tasks and ensure the person responsible is on top of their job. Think about packing - what are you going to pack together? What do you need most? Put the small things you need most in the car with you and make sure you label each box on multiple sides of the box. A ‘Sharpie’ pen is good for this – it’ll write on most surfaces, including plastics. Once you get to your new home, you will know exactly where each box will need to go!
Make sure you keep any screws and fittings for items you have dismantled and put them into a sandwich bag. Securely tape them to the furniture, so all the bits are together when you come to reassemble.
Pack earlier in moving week and start with the things you need the least. Declutter as you go and take the things you don’t need to take with you to a charity shop or to the tip.
Tip 3 – think practical
You may want to indulge yourself in your new property when you arrive, but not wanting to sound like a killjoy - there are a few practical things you might want to think about first.
Are all the fixtures and fittings you expected to be there actually there? Check against the agreed fixtures and fitting list, this is an ideal time when the place is empty and no clutter in the way.
Take meter readings, make sure you know what gas, electric and water you have used. Keep them to hand and speak to the utility companies within the first few days of being in your new home.
Pack some spare lightbulbs in that essentials box you take in your car, you don’t want to get there and struggle with light, especially if its winter. Moving can take longer than planned and you don’t want to be fumbling round in the dark trying to find the kettle or get caught short without loo roll!
Tip 4 – protect surfaces
Moving can be dirty, muddy work. Going in and out of houses and gardens, picking up a load of mud on the way. Put flat packed cardboard boxes down to protect your floors, these can be used on tables and worktops also. Carpets are best covered with dust sheets or buy plastic sheets, you can pick them up cheap enough at most DIY stores. The cheap ones can be bit fly-away, so make sure you weigh them down to avoid trips and falls!
Tip 5 – bring furniture in first
You don’t want to be moving boxes out the way so you can make room for furniture. Plus, you can use furniture to put boxes on and unpack into. Green Key have loads more tips and help for you for your moving day. If you would like to chat about this, feel free to call us on on 01522 904 904 or 0151 458 3183
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